Friday, July 9, 2010

Wives of Footballers
While the best players of the world listen vuvuzely in South Africa, they were left unattended at home, in particular:

1. Yolande van Kasbergen Cabo (Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen), 25 years, the Dutch television series actress and model girlfriend team midfielder Wesley Sneijder of Holland.
2. Ena Popov (Ena Popov) - the Serbian Star rieleti show girlfriend midfielder Serbia Gojko Cuchara (with such a woman as something not so sad that your team had left the group)

3. Sarah Brandner (Sarah Brandner), the German model, friend of Germany midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger sboronoy.
4. Susana Werner (Suzana Werner), 33-year-old Brazilian actress and model, girl Brazilian goalkeeper Julio Cesar.
5. Shayhlislamova Irina (Irina Shayk) - 24-year-old Russian supermodel, meets with the Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo.
6. Jaidee, Michael (Jaydy Michel), 1934, the Mexican model girlfriend defender Rafael Marquez, Mexico.

7. Gedik Julia (Julia Godicke), girl defender of Germany Marcel Jansen.
8. Evangelina Anderson (Evangelina Anderson) - Argentinian model girlfriend Argentine defender Martin Demichelis. And in the past Evangelina lit with Maradona himself.
9. Lauren Pope (Lauren Pope), an English model, DJ and producer, she midfielder England's Shaun Wright-Phillips.
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