Friday, July 9, 2010

octopus paul picks spain

Paul the Octopus, the renown oracle, has selected Spain to win Sunday's World Cup final against the Netherlands.
He hasn't been wrong thus far in the World Cup

 Paul is presented two separate boxes, representing both nations facing off in an upcoming match. He then predicts the winner by choosing a box with a nation's flag. The octopus' selection for the World Cup final turned into a media spectacle.

Television stations throughout Europe and Asia -- including in Germany, Great Britain and Taiwan, among others -- broadcast the event live, with pictures and play-by-play. Paul eventually chose Spain.

"Paul is such a professional oracle-he doesn't even care that hundreds of journalists are watching and commenting on every move he makes," said Stefan Porwoll, Paul's caretaker at the Sea Life aquarium manager. "We're so proud of him."

The tell-all octopus lives in an aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. Paul gained some earlier fame when he was almost perfect with his predictions during Euro 2008 -- he correctly predicted five of Germany's six match results.

So far throughout the World Cup, though, Paul has been perfect with his picks. He correctly guessed that Germany would defeat Argentina, England, Australia and Ghana; but lose to Serbia and Spain. Given Paul's successful track record, his pick of Spain over Germany in the semifinals (a game Spain won 1-0) was met with disapproval by some German fans.

"I even told our guards and people at the entrance to keep a close look at possible for football fans coming after Paul for revenge," Porwoll said. He added, however, that the number of love declarations the aquarium is receiving from Paul's fans far outweighed the hate mail.

The aquarium is hopeful that Paul's fame won't end Sunday when the World Cup does. The oracle has been in high demand, and why not?

"We've been getting tons of requests from around the globe about Paul's visionary capabilities," said Porwoll. "People want to ask Paul about their marriage prospects, the gender of their future baby or the outcome of upcoming elections."
tags:paul chooses spain,octopus paul chooses spain,spain will win says the paul octopus,paul says spain wiil win,spain may win the world cup,world cup final spain vs netherland.
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