Thursday, July 8, 2010

Paul the psychic octopus, who has become a global star after correctly forecasting all six of Germany's World Cup games, will predict the final, but only if his hefty workload has not exhausted him.
The mollusc medium, who stunned Germany by tipping Spain in the semi-final - correctly as it turned out - will on Friday make his prediction for the third-place Germany match with Uruguay, a spokesman for his German aquarium said.
Paul's handlers will follow the now familiar routine. Two boxes will be lowered into his tank, each containing a tasty morsel of food and the flags of the two opposing teams. Whichever box he opens first will be deemed his pick for the match.
The aquarium spokesman says that after the third place match Paul will be offered boxes with Spanish and Dutch flags, the two teams in Sunday's showcase final, but only if he is deemed not too tired and still hungry.
"We do not want to overburden him," the spokesman said.
Meanwhile, the Spanish government has expressed concern for the future wellbeing of the soothsaying octopus after Germans distraught and offended at Paul correctly picking Spain to knock out Germany threatened to eat him.
Soon after Paul picked Spain to win, German newspapers and websites filled with suggestions of what to do with Paul - most involving cooking and eating him.
"Nothing beats grilled octopus," said Dolores Lusch, a Germany fan who works on a Berlin fish stall.
"Cut him up in thin slices and grill him on all sides with a dash of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic on it. Delicious."
Now Spanish prime minister Jose Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero says he is worried the Germans will enact their revenge upon Paul.
"I am concerned for the octopus ... I am thinking of sending him a protective team," he said on Radio Cadena Ser.
Environment and fisheries minister Elena Espinosa suggested there be a moratorium on going after Paul.
tags:octopus paul sits will also predict final also,octopus becomes world star,paul sits to predict fifa world cup final also,people waiting for decision of paul sits for final,paul may choose spain or netherland,spain may win paul sits octopus says,octopus may choose the semifinal winners,octopus may choose between spain and netherland.
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