Friday, July 9, 2010

Brazilian President Lula launches “Brazil is Calling You” campaign in Johannesburg, following South Africa officially handing over the keys to Brazil as the next host nation of the FIFA World Cup.
The new campaign, titled “Brazil is calling you! Celebrate life here”, consists of movies, images and social media elements which aim to encourage the world to visit Brazil for business and leisure and take advantage of the opportunities that Brazil brings as hosts of world´s greatest sports events.
The campaign will be broadcast from 12 July on television channels globally and on YouTube, and forms part of the Ministry of Tourism and Embratur’s strategy to increase international visitors to the country.
The main objectives of this strategy, called “Plano Aquarela 2020 – International Tourism Marketing”, is to secure a 300 percent increase in foreign currency inflows from international tourists and to double the number of these visitors to Brazil by 2020. Brazil aims to invest approximately US$30 million into this campaign by the end of 2010. This will include of a range of marketing initiatives.
tags:brasil worldcup 2014 fifa,fifa world cup 2014,brasil world cup 2014,brasil world cup fifa,fifa 2014 world cup campaign launched,world cup campaign launched.
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