Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shakira will be performing at the closing ceremony for the FIFA 2010 World Cup Football on July 11. Colombian star Shakira will perform the official tournament anthem 'Waka Waka (This Time for Africa).'
 SHAKIRA WILL be performing at the closing ceremony for the FIFA 2010 World Cup Football on July 11. Colombian star Shakira will perform the official tournament anthem "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)." Pop star also performed the song at a World Cup concert in Soweto on June 10.

The 30-minute long closing ceremony of World Cup Football 2010 will start at 6.30pm at Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg. The closing ceremony would be broadcast live in 215 countries to more than 500 million viewers will watch the show. World Cup Football is one of the most watched TV program in worldwide.

According to the Sony Music, Shakira featuring Waka Waka (This Time for Africa), the Official tournament anthem of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, has reached one million singles sold since it became available May 11. "Waka Waka" is the fastest-selling single and the biggest-selling World Cup single of the digital age. The song was written and co-produced by Shakira itself.

tags:closing ceremony of fifa 2010 includes shakira's performance,shakira's performance in closing ceremony,closing ceremony of fifa 2010,world cup anthem to be performed by shakira in closing ceremony.
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