Monday, May 10, 2010


Feeding Frenzy 2

Submitted by: David K

Eat fish smaller than you and avoid larger fish. Any fish larger than you is
a predator and will eat you. When you’re eaten, you lose a life. Eating fish
makes you grow larger, which means you can eat larger fish.
(HINT: When your fish says, Yummy, you have just grown larger.)
Biting the tails of bigger fish earns points. You also get bonus points for
eating entire schools of fish.

Starfish bubbles: 
These give you extra points, but they don’t help you grow.

Biting the tail of a barracuda 4 times will shrink it. Once you shrink it,
you can eat it but BE CAREFUL.

Jumping out of the water:
As you move up in levels, you will be able to jump out of the
water and eat flying bugs. (HINT: You get extra points for a swarm.) You can
get style points for doing flips in the air, but if you land wrong (belly
flop), you’ll be stunned for a couple seconds.
(This could make you food for a predator!)

Mushrooms are released when the alien intruder hits one of the bombs near
the surface.

You can shrink the pelicans by eating a mushroom right as the pelican flies
over. If you shrink the pelican, you can eat it.

1-up bubbles:
Grab these guys! Each one is worth an extra life.

Time bonuses:
Between some levels, there will be timed sessions in which you can earn time
bonuses. These sessions give you one minute in which to eat all the 100 bugs,
fish, or whatever is offered. You only get the bonus, however, if you eat all
100. If you see a clock floating around, grab it.
It adds 3 seconds to your time.

Food bank:
You can unlock 6 different underwater screensavers by building points in your
food bank. You get 1 point for each fish you eat if you beat the level.

If you complete a level without dying, a mermaid will appear and drop starfish
bubbles. You won’t have long to grab them, though, because the level has ended.
HINT: She will come from the side where you last ate a fish.

Feeding Frenzy: 
Get a feeding frenzy by eating fish quickly. When your frenzy meter is full,
you will get double points for each fish you eat. If you fill up the meter two
times, you will get a double frenzy bonus. When you have a double frenzy bonus,
all the fish you eat are worth triple points. If you eat a 2x bonus bubble when
you have a double frenzy, you will get 6 times the original value of the fish.

Extra lives:
You earn an extra life at 6,000 points, 12,000 points, and then every 12,000
points after that.

Screen savers:
Six underwater screensavers can be unlocked by building points in your food
bank. You will earn a point for each fish you eat when you complete a level.

Eat fish smaller than yourself and avoid the larger fish. A predator is larger
than you and will eat you. You will lose a life when eaten. To get larger, eat
smaller fish. Your fish will say "Yummy" when you have grown. To get more points,
bite the tails off larger fish or eat an entire school of fish.

After you gain enough levels you will be able to jump out of the water and eat
flying bugs. To get extra points, eat an entire swarm. You can also earn style
points by flipping in the air. Be careful, as you will get stunned if you land
incorrectly and be vulnerable to predators.

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